Boyle Heights and DTRA
December's first skate was a test of mettle. It was cold, and I mean downright arctic by Los Angeles standards, it was barely 50 degrees when we started. We had to wear jackets. It was even possible to see your breath if you stood really still and breathed deep. I'm saying it was cold, OK?
We headed up the stairs to 4th Street and that helped a bit, and when we came down the other side we stopped to watch some skaters doing a photo shoot. They were not very impressive though, so we split pretty soon and went to the basketball courts at the Pecan Rec Center.
Soon as we get there a little man in big suit waddles up and tells us, "There's no skating allowed at the skating rink."
I stopped and asked him, "Do you know how silly that sounds?" He smiled and walked away.
We did an obligatory loop around the Conference Center, cut back across to the Shell station on Grand, then finished the night off with Angel's Flight, 2nd Street and the mid-block trail home. Apres skate was at Canter's Deli in the Fairfax district. Mmmmmmilkshakes, yay!