A Classic Downtown Route
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RalphsLast night we were a smallish but skilled group, and we wound up on a "tour of shoots" (not shots); St. Vincent's, Church of Money, Convention Center were all stocked with movie trailers and security guards. We got up on the hill, and met with some real fun:

"Hey! HEY! Do you need help?

"No, thanks though."

"You can't skate here."

7th St"Au contraire, my good man, this is a fantastic place for skating."

Read more: A Classic Downtown Route

Start Time Update!
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We decided to officially say the next TNS will be a "meet at 7:30pm and roll out @ 8pm" affair.

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Twitter Feed for TNS
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the TNS twitter feed... when we stop, I'll tweet where we are... and i'll try to 'member to tweet when we rollout too :)
Metro Gold Line Opening news
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Here's the latest: